Monday, March 19, 2012

"How do English songs affect the language learning process in terms of unconscious memorization of certain sentence templates ? "

I chose this topic because I find it very interesting to observe the effects of the English songs on memory and language learning skills. We all know that teaching songs is a common method that is used to teach kids a language. Examples can be the "abc" (alphabet) song, "if you happy and you know it", "hokey pokey", etc. From my own experiences I know that after a while I got used to certain sentence patters and I memorized them unconsciously, which made it easier for me to structure grammatically correct sentences in English just by changing the verb.


  1. It will be interesting to see what the literature says about this subject. I also have anecdotal evidence from colleagues who learned how to speak by listening to English songs. Many had never lived abroad, but had been able to perfect their accent primarily by absorbing the language through music and lyrics. However, I'm not sure how much research has been done to confirm that this is a valid part of learning a foreign language.

  2. There is some research out there and still this is an area of interest for researches. There is definitely also some proof out there. I believe in 20 - 30 years with further research, majority will be able to consider it as a fact, hopefully :)
