Monday, May 14, 2012

shout out

Hey All,

Sorry for the late post. As you know I was in Turkey and then came back to Cyprus, however Cyprus didnt like my new shoes so I fell and injured my leg. But its all good now :))

Okay so I've missed some of the material that was covered in class, therefore I have some catching up to do..just wanted to give a general shout out about whats up...

keep up the good work,



  1. I am sorry for you Yağmur. Do you know that I saw you while you were falling down. I wanted to help you, but I was driving and a car was following me, so I think If I stop, It may hit me. Therefore, I couldn't stop sorry. One more thing, while I was looking you, I almost hit the pavement:).
    I hope, you will get better.

  2. wow thats a public embarrassment then haha :) thank you I think your car was black that was the last thing I saw before the "fall" :)) thank you for your good wishes but hey, sometimes you need to fall so you can bounce higher than ever ;)
